Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Francesca Battistelli - This Is The Stuff (Live)
© 2011 WMG This Is The Stuff (Live) [video]
Added on 5/02/11


I read a blog today of a Spin instructor that was talking about encouraging her ladies in her Spin class. And in what she was saying about the climb of the spin class....God began to speak to me about The Climb of my Life and Where I have been lately.  
This Spin instructor had a list of quotes she said to the ladies on the bikes to encourage them....

* Go! Get after it!
* Whoo!
* You're not tired.
* Get on it! Don't let it get on top of you!
And when I read the last line....God said.....this is for you.....You've let the world get on top of You! I never meant for you to be here.....

What is "It" you ask???? Stuff...just a bunch of stuff of this world...that honestly was too much for me to handle all at once....(Thank God I dont have to handle it by myself..)
But Friends.....I gave the Stuff to Him.....but do you know what I did (and I dont give too much credit to the Enemy...because this was me) I Let IT effect Me.....Effect My Emotions. Ive been sprinting for so long....pedaling as hard as I good.....and then...I slowed down......
It wasnt HIM, and it wasnt even the enemy....It was Me!
Friends, we can blame it on the enemy all we want......but sometimes.....Its Just Us! Flesh, Tired....Emotional....bitter.....Tired...oh, did I already say....Tired.....US!
And today God is telling Me.... "Get back on it, Michelle! Don't let it get on top of you!"

Theres been conflict everywhere for me.  
Work, Ugh!
I have been in pain for weeks. 
People I thought were my friends....well......
and on and on.....(Im sure all of you could fill in your list of stuff)

Have I walked 100% in the power of The Holy Spirit recently??? No.
I allowed my circumstances to climb on top of me. And weigh me down. I've cried. I've yelled at my kids, Snapped at coworkers...and my husband, and even said a few not so nice words....(that my son happened to notice)
But today God is saying.....This is not where I meant for you to be....."Get back on top of it."

So....my song for the day has been Francesca Battistelli - This Is The Stuff .....See the Link above ...Have you ever had days, weeks or times that you just feel this way????
This is the stuff
That drives me crazy
This is the stuff
That's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff
That gets under my skin
But I've gotta trust
You know exactly what Your doing
Might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use

So break me of impatience
Conquer my frustrations
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world...

AHHHHH! doesnt that feel good to say......ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! And when she says....Might not be what I would choose....hmmmm. Wouldnt it be great if
we could tell God what he could use to conquer our frustrations???? But we cant. He is the author and finisher....He is writing this thing...not Us...and you know what else???
sometimes...(Im ashamed to say it) I forget How BIG IM BLESSED! Blessed in every area of my life....Blessed regardless what this world throws at me....thats the meaning of real Blessings......Im so Thankful today for My Blessings. And Im Getting Back on Top of IT!
Sometimes....situations dont have to turn around for you to see the Good around you......You've just got to SEE THE GOOD....Its there!
People (ME) get focused on the situation at hand...or lets be honest, the emotions at hand, the hurt feelings, being let down, and they (me) forget all about the Good before or after for that matter. Does that make sense????
There are going to be difficult situations....but dont let those make you get off the bike.....keep pedaling...actually....Pedal HARDER! Can I apply that to prayer....Me talking to myself here........In the midst of my Mess....about the time I dont think I can pray anymore.......KEEP PRAYING....
Actually PRAY HARDER!!!!!!!!
The Word of God tells us...

In all things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith. 1 John 5:4

Therefore be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Romans 15:58

I must remember...and this goes for you too my friends........Say it!

"I know who I am In Christ!  I am Steadfast, I am immovable, I am a Conqueror.....IN HIM! (not of my myself) I have the Victory today over THIS STUFF!"
Be encouraged today....whatever it is that is The Stuff in your life today.......Its Not The End Of The World.....You are Blessed.....Think of something Good (You can find Something) and Think God for That!
Smile! Love ya!

too blessed to be stressed.............

Michelle Sullivan

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Live A Life Of Love


I read a story today of a woman that came home one day to find her kids had drawn her pictures. She looked at the pictures with Love and Appreciation...then she realized the first picture was of her sitting at her computer...the second was her sitting by the pool...Is this what her kids thought of her?? This is what Mom does?  So, in reading this I thought to myself...what would my kids draw me doing? And you know what the first thought came to my mind...They would probably draw me: on my cell phone driving down the road,  working out,  doing laundry,  scrapbooking...and then... I cried.

What do my kids think I'm doing? What am I showing them? In my heart, I would hope they draw me:  Dancing for Jesus, Hugging and Loving Them and their Daddy, Ministering to other Women...Reading to them from the Bible. Are my kids going to look back and say,"Yea, I remember we were always in the car...going somewhere....doing something..." So, today Lord, I come to you, asking You Lord, for lots of Grace and a whole lot of Balance.   Because this what I am afraid my kids are seeing in me...

* Mommy on her cell phone every time we get into the car
* Mommy leaving us to go workout
* Mommy always asking us to "hurry up" because were late


I know God put me in their lives to be an example to them.  In 1.Corinthians 11.1 Paul tells the church to follow him as He follows Christ. My children trust me, they observe me, every move I make, they are watching. Looking for me to be that example....and If I don't....trust me....The World will! I want to be that example. But on my own.....I'm not. On my own, in my flesh, I fail. This is why friends, we as wives, mothers, caregivers, must surrender all of ourselves to Christ. If we hold back anything...we take the chance of that being the one thing our children follow. (Dont get me wrong....none of us our perfect) But scripture calls us to be imitators of Him...
"Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us." Ephesians 5:1,2.
Live a Life Of Love - now there's an order. A Life of Love. That is my prayer today....I Pray that the life I live my kids will see... first and foremost my love for Christ, my love for their daddy, my love for them, my Love for my family, my church, and my friends. I want the picture my kids draw of me to be that of me at the altar, with my hands raised, praising God and giving him All of me.  Because the only way I can be All to Them....is to give All to Him.

Now friends...this started out me beating myself up for everything Im not.....BUT GOD! In the midst of my pity party God said "I have emptied myself of everything But Love....so You could be Filled!" Jesus....made me jump in the air right there and Praise Him! He is Right! (Of Course), Everything He did....Everything He does....Its All About Love! The wonderful, awesome, never ending....Love He has for US! Oh, How I Love Him! And here I am reminded....Love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sin.
1 Peter 4:8b. Sin, my failures....got me to thinking.....His Love Covers My Sin, My Failures. Thank You Lord. It Covers Me.  I don't have to try and be All things to my kids...I have to Love God and let him do the rest. But the key is.....Love God 1st. Everything I do....I want my kids to see Love...not frustration..(Help Me Jesus).
God is encouraging me today...so I hope this encourages you.... "We Can Do All Things...Through Christ.." He will never give us more than we can take...and Because He has filled us with His Love....He knows that we can do what He has called us to do