Friends, it is here!
Not a few months away anymore, its here! Thanksgiving and right before us Christmas. Ahhh, the Christmas Season. I Love it! And We as Christians we celebrate Jesus and his birth all year. But this is the time....that whether they know it or not....The Entire World Celebrates His Birth! HAHA! And every year I say (doesnt always work but I try) I am going to Enjoy this Season. To not be caught up in the hustle and bustle of this world, and just remember what this season is about. Christ! His Birth!
And today, I was reading someone’s comment about what the word Busy means. And this is the word that I sometimes refer this season to: Busy. Webster defines busy as: engaged in action : (Yep that’s me! Engaged in Action…sounds a lot better than busy, huh? ) Occupied : being in use : (Me too! Being in use, that’s a good thing, right? ) Full of activity, (Hah! Got me there too, lots of activity going on here). And then I read the next definition busy…. And I felt the conviction…. Bustling : foolishly or intrusively active : meddling : full of distracting detail…… Ugh! Full of distracting detail. Wow, I think busy might sound better than that. Foolishly or intrusively active…. yea, been there. So, the question came to my mind…How do I be "engaged in action…..In use…..and full of activity….without???? being foolishly or intrusively active, or full of distracting detail???? Anyone got the Million Dollar Answer? I sure don’t….But then I read this scripture…
Now as they were on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me." But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."Luke 10:38-42
And when I read this….I thought ..... See….even Martha was busy serving…doing the things she thought was of importance, and Jesus had to show her….One Thing is Necessary. Ahhhh…Necessary - required: important in order to achieve a specific result, or desired by authority. Jesus told her yes you are busy serving, but one thing is Required. And Mary chose that, the one thing that couldn’t be taken away from her. Now Martha…she could serve everyone, that was her position……that is what she took on as importance….run the errands, cook the food, try to please them all, and somewhere…sometime…. That could be taken from her. But Mary….Oh Mary….she chose the one requirement that No One….No time…No Place…..could be taken from her……Blessing Jesus at His Feet. That was the requirement.
That is my goal this Christmas Season…not to just enjoy the season….but to Remain at the Feet of Jesus. That is what Jesus says is the requirement. Not to be so busy serving everyone else that we are foolishly active….but engaged….engaged in Him. Active…Being used….by Him. So this is me today…..Praying for my mind to be fixed on Staying at his feet. And this is my prayer for you. There are many that can say that they have been at His feet….laid their troubles at His feet….laid their insecurities at His feet…….laid their addictions at His feet. But He is reminding me today to lay my Praises….my Love….my Devotion….at His Feet. Daily. Oh friends….when I get so wrapped up in this world….this season….let me be reminded "To pour my oil upon His feet"….that is what is Necessary. That is how We Celebrate Christ's Birth. Daily.
Im praying for you....your families....your marriages....your children.....All that God has in store for you...May you be blessed....and May you Stay at His Feet not only this season...but Daily.
Love you all.....

Monday, November 21, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Running This Race.........
Friends....I read today about a guy that was in a marathon. And he was talking about the point in the race where he felt like he just couldn’t do it anymore, his body, his mind, it was all telling him to quit. He said at one point he thinks he may have blacked out…he was still running, but the sweat, the pain, it was all too much. He said he was about to close his eyes and tell his body to stop when he heard someone on the side of the road yell "You can do it!" Don’t stop! Your doing great!!!!" Great? He thought….I’m doing miserably…about to give up! I can’t do this! And then he heard from the other side " KEEP GOING! YOUR ALMOST THERE!" And he snapped out of it and began to run faster…one foot in front of the other…..and the more cheers he heard….he picked up the pace. And when he got to the end of the race….all he could think of was those people…those "cheerleaders" on the side of the road cheering him on. Friends…sometimes…we all need someone cheering us on. Someone else to say…."You can do it! Don’t stop!" And thinking on this…..I thought of what part people can play in others races. Yes, there are the "cheerleaders", but there are also the ones that line the roads just to see you not finish. Just to yell at you "Your doing it wrong!, "Your never gonna make it" "I would run differently than you!" "I can do it better!" Ugh…haven’t we all been there? On both sides? Sometimes….we aren’t running the race well….sometimes we aren’t running this Christian race well. And that’s where we need our cheerleaders to yell "You can do it! Don’t give up!" Not…"your not doing it right! You might as well give up!" Not only are we all called to be "runners"…we are all called to be "Cheerleaders" too. You never know that the one thing you might say to someone might make their day….or be the one thing that makes them give up.So, I asked myself today….Am I a critic….or an encourager??? Now, I know there is a place for critics….but me….what am I? Today. What has God called me to be??? To my husband, to my children, to my family,,my friends, my coworkers…what is my place? And this is where God lead me…." I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" Ephesians 4:1-3. Ahhhh….doesn’t that just give you the feel goods…..its peaceful, all humility, gentleness, patience, Love, unity…..Sounds good…huh? And you know what the enemy came right in and said to me when I read this……."Really? What about when you were running the race…and you were just about to give up…and their was a person standing on the side and you reached for that cup they were holding out to you…and when you drank it….you realized it was SPOILED MILK! YUK! That’s unity isn’t it!" And I shook myself and said…."So what Devil!!!! Right past that person was someone else that reached out and handed me a COLD CUP OF WATER!!!!!!! And it was REFRESHING! And it made me forget all about the SPOILED MILK!!!" Who are you going to be today??? The one handing out spoiled milk…because they aren’t running the way you would….or because they may be running a little faster than you….or maybe too slow for you??? How about the one that has ran this race so many times…and given up before?? How about the ones that you know really didn’t train well for this race??? Or are you going to hand every single one of the runners in this race today….a cold cup of refreshing water…..HIS LIVING WATER!!!! Friends…..there are enough critics in the world….and there is a time and a place for everything….but Can I encourage you??? Today….Be an Encourager. Today….just make it a point to encourage instead of criticize. You could be the one that turns that persons day around. Encourage them with the Word! Show them the Love of God! You know….that unfailing….Love of God! No matter what they did yesterday…no matter what they did 5 minutes ago…..Show Them The Love of God. Ohhh its hard! I know!!! And if the way you have to encourage them….is by encouraging them to turn away from their sin…..Do It! WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS US! I know this is for someone out there, and I hope you always know that every blog I write is out of Love.
We are imperfect people, living in an imperfect World, Together Serving a Perfect God.
I Love You Friends….Be Blessed!
Too blessed to be stressed……
We are imperfect people, living in an imperfect World, Together Serving a Perfect God.
I Love You Friends….Be Blessed!
Too blessed to be stressed……
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