Well Friends,
I just had a thought….haha (an inside joke for my Springs Family). But seriously. There was a woman on Good Morning America the other day talking about her exercise classes she teaches to special needs children. And she said that she starts each class off by asking” if anyone has anything they would like to stand and tell the class they are Thankful for today”. She said EVERY one of the kids immediately starts waiving their hands to speak. Their comments could be anything from, their dog, the grass outside, the biscuit they had for breakfast that morning, etc. And it got me to thinking…….Of a Wednesday Night in Church and Pastor asks if anyone would like to Testify? And it takes a few minutes, but slowly a few people stand to Give God Praise. But most of us, (talking to myself here) Just sit on our hands. And we think, Ahhh Let Them Testify, Nothing New Here, No Healing in My body today, No Miracle to speak of here. How often are we giving the opportunity to “testify” about God’s Greatness… and we sit silent? Ugh, I felt conviction on that one.
And you know what God showed me…..Today….Right Now is My Miracle! I am Alive, Living This Life! No Matter what situation I am in, This, Right Now….Is My Miracle! I am Miracle! I’m not in a hospital today…..I can walk, talk, breath on my own. Have Clothes on my back, food in my belly, a job, Healthy Family, and…..here’s the kicker……….I am not sitting at a cemetery today, Grieving for the loss of a loved one. Today my friends….Is My Miracle. And God showed me that, Every day, Every Single Day, Is My Miracle. And I was encouraged to find something, Every Day to Be Thankful For, To Praise Him For!
These kids, some that were carried in or rolled in and have severe mental and physical inabilities, Still find something to be Thankful for every day. Why Can’t I? And look at most of us. Physically and Mentally when we are giving the opportunity we could Stand and Give God Praise and we don’t. (Not bashing anyone on the head here….talking to Myself) Why don’t we? Let’s see, maybe….I’ve had a bad day, boss yelled at me, kids driving me crazy, bills piling up, don’t have the best job, best car, best house, best....Get the Picture? I don’t have any physical reasons why I can’t, and Mentally I’m all here. (well, depends on who you ask)
And I was brought to this scripture” Psalm 34:8, O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” And for the first time God showed me one word……………….SEE. And He said that’s the difference. Do you SEE that I am Good. That I Bless You Everyday. Do you see it?????? They See It…DO YOU? Dear God…..Forgive me for not always SEEING Your Goodness. In Everything, Every day. Now most of you are thinking, Yeah Right, Who really can see Goodness every day? That sounds all good, but it’s not possible. Friends, I’m Here to tell you today….It IS! What makes us Thankful should not be Temporary Blessings! What makes us Thankful, Is Already Done!
I saw a post today that said….”I’m not smiling because everything is great, I’m smiling because My God Is Great!” And I was like YES!!!! Amen!!! Don’t spend your life looking for your next Miracle. That better Job, That spouse, That Child, That Inheritance, That Raise. Live Today, Be Thankful Right Now For TODAY! Wherever you are, look around, Find Something to be Thankful For! I think I’ll start a journal and everyday make myself right down something different I am Thankful For, and then when I’m down in the dumps someday, which we all get there. I’ll pick it up and read it as a reminder of God’s Greatness! And then…..I WILL SEE IT! And then I’ll pass it on to my kids and they can read it and SEE how Great God Is! Man, if that’s not enough to make you shout. Right Here, Right Now, This is My Miracle Today….. Thank You God! It’s all in how you look at it.
too blessed to be stressed.............
Michelle Sullivan