Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Your Not The Same


 I recently read a blog talking about a scene from the movie The Cinderella Man (which I have never seen), but this scene really stuck out to me and opened my eyes and God impressed on me to share with each of you.

The Cinderella Man was in the boxing ring, fighting up against an opponent that he had battled before and lost to. In the middle the fight the opponent begins to lose, and his manager comes up to him and says "what's the matter? You have fought him Before and Won!" and that's when the other guy said "He's not the same man I fought before".

WOW! This just blew me away! And I began to think about the women in our church and in my life and how Pastor testify's of the Heathen that we all used to be....or still are....lol. But I look around the church and in my life and see so many woman that have awesome testimonies...ALL OF YOU DO! I am reminded of what God has brought each of you through. And it encourages me. I see the woman that you were.... and the woman that you are Today! Stronger, Braver! I think of the times that you thought it was an end, we see now it was Just a Beginning! Some of you are battling real battles of spiritual warfare. And I can just see the demons in hell saying to the Devil "I can't defeat her this time! She's not the same woman!"  I believe that we went through some serious battles in our  life so that we would be well equipped for the battles that we face today. With the world around us the way that it is, We better be sure that they are fighting with our armor on, otherwise we may not make it.

I'm not who I was a year ago. Gosh, I am not who I was 6 months ago. Sure, my insecurities get in the way at times...but I have learned to trust in Jesus. Ladies, we have seen Him come through for us time and time again. He will not let you go, but you have to hold on. He is doing a Mighty Work in You! Just about the time the devil thinks he has a way in, its then that we need to STEP UP (No, this is not a Steppin advertisement...lol),
and tell the Devil "I AM NOT THE SAME WOMAN I USED TO BE!".

I heard a woman on the radio talking about what a special moment she had with her girlfriends the other night at church. She talked about a point after service where there were 6 or 7 woman standing around hugging each other crying and praying for each other. It really touched me to hear that. We need Each Other Ladies! We need to be there in the battles and be there to Rejoice in the Victories!

I've said all this to say... Ladies I am praying for each one of you today and I hope you are praying for me. The battle doesnt show weakness, it shows that the Devil is Fighting and Hasnt WON!  I stand in agreement with you today that whatever you are believing God for in your life, in your home, on your job, in your relationships... that the battle is different than before.... because.......YOU ARE NOT THE SAME WOMAN YOU USED TO ME!

I love you!

too blessed to be stressed.............


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