Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wow! This month has flown by! And can I just say…it has been Awesome! Ok, let me rephrase that…My God is Awesome! We have been so blessed this month with time together! And as busy as we let ourselves get sometimes, I was bound and determined that I was going to ENJOY spending TIME TOGETHER this month! My kids will only be this age once. So I am going to enjoy every minute. And the Sullivan’s did just that!  We started the month with the Annual Children’s Hospital Parade downtown. It was eventful! From our 5:30 am carpool, to going thru the barricades (thanks to our agent friend…hehe), to seeing the kids play with the clowns and their smiles and waves as the parade came by….it was full of so many great memories. Looking back at the pictures and seeing all the adults together enjoying this event along with the kids made it so special. 

Next stop was my friend Sheila’s Annual Cookie Exchange party. Just a great time to get together with ladies and exchange cookie/candy recipes and get to laugh and relax. Great Time. 
Madison got to cheer at a few basketball games this month and the Bear did an Awesome job! Love seeing Madison down there cheering on her friends! Madison has been giving out books the past 2 years at our church’s annual Hands of Compassion Outreach Service for Christmas. Last year my sister was able to get Half Price Books to donate over 100 books for this, and this year, Half Price Books stepped up again and did the same. My daughter has such a heart for giving and when she saw the church was giving out food baskets a few years back, she came to me to see if she could collect and give the kids’ books as well. Love Her Heart.

We were able to attend the First Baptist Church of Terrell’s Walk With the Wise Men with our friends The D’s. It was incredible. Loved it.  Then came our Annual “Friends” Christmas Party at Shawna’s. It was a great time, and everyone was able to cut lose and enjoy some great tunes from the Karaoke Machine! Shane’s version of Purple Rain will go down in History, as a close 2nd to him serenading me to She’s My Kind of Rain a few years back. Now, let’s throw in a few visits to the chiropractor during December also, that included me finding out I had not 1 but 6 ribs out of place. So, much of these events were spent with me with an ice pack strapped to my back or on pain meds. But hey, Life Goes On! What does not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger. Some Shopping…..Our Annual Office Christmas Lunch was held in Grapevine and we got to spend the afternoon shopping together. Always a good time. My dear friend Candice, who is my She-Ra, this girl can do it ALL, graduated from Nursing School this month and we got to Celebrate Her! Congrats Candice! 

On Saturday the 15th, I sat and watched as my kids practiced for the church Christmas program. And I cried. The day before a terrible Massacre in Newtown had taken place and I still couldn’t get those 20 kids that died out of my mind. And as I watched our kids take the platform and begin to sing “How Great Is Our God….” It took on a whole new meaning. Making a commitment to hug my kids a little tighter these days.  The Springs Christmas Program “Born for This” was perfect. I couldn’t say one thing I would change. Everyone worked together and used their talents for the Glory of God. Immanuel was Glorified in this Service. When Sis Peggy announced the theme for the Program and it came back to the Song we danced for at the Conference “Born For This”. I have to say I was pleased….in a selfish way. I first thought, Yes, we don’t have to learn a New Dance. But in preparing for the program and seeing how each person’s part revolved around Being Born for a Purpose. I found myself in the word of God. And God spoke to me in a mighty way on how He is fitting me for a purpose like no one else's. And that if I would let Him lead, He will fulfill His Purpose for me. (Psalm 138:8). In our ballroom dancing classes that my husband so graciously took for this dance. I was told several times by our instructor, that I needed to let my partner lead. That'll preach. One thing that “Born For This” has taught me is, If I concentrate on becoming who GOD created me to be--instead of who I think I ought to be, or who someone else wants me to be, I wont have time to focus on what others around me are doing.And let me throw in that my husband was so wonderful to make a guest appearance in our dance “Born For This”. And without bragging on him….If you only knew what an answer to Prayer this was. God has been SOOOO Good to Us! 

My husband’s heart was so sweet this Christmas he actually took all of us shopping one evening and I don’t think he said “No” once. He too was feeling how blessed we are and just went along for the ride….enjoying us! I am blessed with a job where I was able to attend Jack’s Christmas Party and I enjoyed it so much sitting and watching him interact with his friends.  A lil trip to the ER followed, with me Dehydrated and getting fluids, but All Was Well. And my sweet, caring Husband decided that if I was going against doctors orders and going out to finish my Christmas shopping that weekend,  that He wasnt going to let me go out without him, so he drove Candice and I around, dropped us off the front doors of the stores, parked, then came in and waited in line for us. Love, Love this man! 

Then came the Ladies Ablaze Christmas Party at Sis Peggy’s house. She always decorates her house so beautifully for Christmas and I found myself just walking around noticing all the items that had been placed so perfectly for the Christmas Season. Wonderful evening with great Woman of God. More shopping… And then we celebrated for 3 days with our families. We got to spend some great time with our families and watching the kids open way to many presents. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our stops included…Shane’s moms house, My Mom’s House, My Aunt Linda’s house, and an impromptu stop by The DeRossett’s. Loved seeing everyone and took lots of Pictures! And lets don’t forget…Santa came to our HOUSE! He was very generous! We are looking forward to another Christmas lunch this Saturday with my mom’s side of the family. I never really thought we did….but we have a Big Family! All that live pretty close and we are blessed to get to see often. 

That about wraps (hehe) up our Christmas Celebrations. I heard a woman on the TV say….”Its not One Day at a time…Its one Moment at a Time”. So, that has become by motto for 2013. To live this life One Moment at a time. God will be there and with Him directing my path, all I have to do is Follow Him. I will be praying for all our friends and family going into 2013, please do the same for us. I believe the encouragement that the Lord gave me this year was that He does all things in His timing and He is in control. In the good times and bad, we can trust HIM with our lives, our futures, our all. We are grateful to God for another year of life. He has proved Himself faithful time and time again to us this past year. As I look back over 2012 and I am amazed once again at God's goodness to provide and lead, to give grace in times of trial, and give us many joyful moments together.  I am so grateful for God's patience with me, how He never lets me go, bringing me back again and again when I start to wander. My neediness reminds me of the amazing gift that Jesus Christ is and the love that He has shown me. I wouldn’t want to go a day without Him. My prayer is that my kids will never forget how much they need Him and to always make Him the Center of their Life. Wishing you all a Wonderful 2013 with Jesus At The Center! 

From the beginning to the end.....always been you Jesus....


too blessed to be stressed.............

Michelle Sullivan 

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