This morning in my prayer time...I was praying for so many of my friends that are going through difficult times in their marriages. My heart is so heavy to hear so many couples saying the same thing....."we are just Not Happy anymore...." Really??? And let me first say....Been there, done that... I dont have a perfect marriage, but who does??? We are Not Perfect People and why In the world would we expect two Unperfect People to have a Perfect Marriage. In the midst of a conversation with a friend who told me her husband said He wasnt Happy Anymore....I felt the Holy Spirit Rise Up Inside of Me...... WHERE IN YOUR VOWS DID YOU SAY.... IN SICKNESS IN HEALTH.....ALWAYS TO BE HAPPY??? Happy.... is a duedad people! (ITS NOT JOY!) Im sorry... I dont know about you....but I am tired of the devil getting in and making people think that marriage is about Emotions. (once again...been there...done that!)
I read a comment about 6 months ago and sent it to my husband that said..... When I stood at the alter the day of my wedding....I could have done it without my spouse.... (what??? stay with me here ).....
Because My Vows Were to God .... Now sit back and think about this......
I Michelle....take thee be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to sickness and in health....for richer or good times and in love, honor, and protect....foresaking all others..... This is my vow.... (or something like that)
Thinking about that day....and thinking about who I was making that vow to..... well....makes you think. When you got went to the alter for a went there together for a reason... You both made a vow...not only to each other....(and when your mad and want to stab that person with a fork....okay...maybe thats just me....LOL) you may not care about the vow you made to them.... (or when they break your heart so dont think you could ever trust them again....) you may not care...and think they broke that why should you care??? But...If you think of the Vow you made to GOD.... it may seem a little different....You know God....the one that laid his life down for you....the one that saved you from eternity in Hell...........The one that FORGIVES you for the MESS you are!!! Are you really going to break that vow to HIM????
I think here is where we lose sight friends... In the book The Love Dare....(I highly suggest all couples read....and not just when your going through it when things are going good...) Kendrick makes this statement....Placing all aspects of your marriage under the authority of God's Word and prayer is the greatest decision for ultimate success in your marriage. - Kendrick, Dare to Love
You know what really stuck out to me???? One word....One Lil Word....That is so IMPORTANT! The Word....ALL. And my mind went to racing......ALL aspects of marriage.....
Lets think about the aspects of marriage for a minute....
Prayerfully - Praying for your spouse
Emotional - Committed in your heart to this person to Love and Cherish - Loving them
Mentally - Encouraging, Friend, wanting whats best for that person, Being there for them
Physically - Your love life
Financially - Do you work together to provide and make decisions for you household
and the list goes on and on....Aspects of marriage.....Im sure you could name many more.....
But Do We as Married Couples Place ALL Aspects under God's authority???? Gulp... Look at the list.....
Emotional.... When your so you give it to GOD????
Mentally...... When you dont agree with their decisions... do you place it under God's authority???
Physically??? Lets just say it....your sex life....have you placed that under God's Authority???
Financially - Placing it under God's Authority, Meaning doing what HIS WORD SAYS. (YES... Tithing)
Now here is the key... (one WE all get lost at times)....
When you look at this list....can you check 2 items you feel you have put under God's Authority??
Maybe 3???Maybe 4????
Thats not what This says.... It says ALL... Thats what God wants....ALL OF OUR MARRIAGE!
I cant express enough what God is telling me today... and maybe its just for me.... but I hope you hear HIM today in what he is saying..... ALL!
We are not perfect people....but just imagine the marriages that may not have ended up in divorce court...and the children that may not have carried around hurt.... if Somewhere...Someone...would have stopped and said.....ALL. I know this isnt rocket science....and Im not saying anything you dont already know.... but I think its good to remind each other and for us to open our ears to hear what God is saying..... Yesterday or two weeks ago this might not have meant anything to you.... and today maybe it does.... maybe it doesnt....but the next time (you want to stab your spouse with a fork....sorry...just me again)..... think of this statement....All aspects of your marriage under the authority of God's Word.....
I Love You Friends........
blessed to be stressed.............
Michelle Sullivan
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