This weekend Shane and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary! If you've read many of my blogs, you will know that All Glory and Honor for my life I give to My God. And I believe and Try my best to Live His Word. This weekend, in celebrating our 16th anniversary from the day we stood at an alter in Dallas, Tx and devoted our lives to each other, we snuck away. It was wonderful! I am such a trip planner, and this time....we didnt plan! It was everything I could have hoped it would be! Wonderful!~ A weekend away from everything but each other. Sometimes...You just gotta go there! We went to a hotel in a local Downtown and just......enjoyed being together! And, as busy as we are most days, this way so nice to do. Refreshing! No clocks.....No reservations....No appts! Just us on our own.
Over the past 16 years, we have celebrated with Elaborate Vacations, Fancy Dinners, and do you know what???? SSSHHHHH...dont tell Shane....(because I do like the Elaborate Vacations and Dinners) but I do believe......This was my favorite! For many reasons....but this was different. God has brought us through so much over this 16 years, and so much just over the last few, that I cant help but just throw my arms up and say "THANK YOU JESUS!" And what is exciting is that I know OUR Best Is Yet To Come. And thinking on memories, God brought me to a place of such appreciation and Thankfulness for my husband. And I believe His Word says to give honor where honor is due....So here goes. My Husband is everything I could have ever asked for. And as I sat on a trolley and looked across at him yesterday....I couldnt help but beem with pride and think.... "Thats my husband!" And I am honored and humbled to be his wife. He has been there through so much with me....and there is not much time in life that I dont recall him being there. There to hold Love comfort me....To sit back and support Me, and To pick me up off the floor and carry me. Literally. He has been so patient, so understanding....many men would have cut their loses and ran when their wife seemed to care more for the dead than someone who was right there. But not him. He carried me. When I couldnt hear God voice, because I had my ears closed.....He was there. And I am so greatful. Im so glad he took our vows to the good times and bad. Look what we would have missed if we would have given up. I know God has a plan...and I am so thankful and grateful that 20 years ago, he chose for our paths to cross. I cant erase the past, and I dont know I would if I could, but I can cherish today. I know so many people who search their lives looking for that one perfect person to spend their life here with. Maybe not to anyone else....but to me.... He is that One, (Im)perfect for me. Not that I ever questioned it, but God has shown me so much this past year about perfection. And that we lose opportunities sometimes, looking for that perfect thing, that perfect friend, perfect job, perfect Love, and none of us our perfect. And Ive said it before, and I will say it again.....How do expect to have Perfect Relationships with ImPerfect People? And today....Remembering 9/11. Im sure their our wives and husbands out there, that wish they had one more kiss goodnight, or one more hug from their ImPerfect spouses that they lost that day. And I bet they look pretty perfect to them right now. Friends, dont spend your life with one moment that you will regret if someone you love or if You yourself dont have tomorrow. We all could spend our lives bitter because people dont do everything the way we would do it, or today....we could choose to tell our spouses....How Much We Love Them. The Good and the Bad, because whether we like to admit it or not....we all have both. And we should be grateful that they love our Good and Bad too. Remember the Lives Lost Today.....and Cherish Each Day. You never know when you or them will be called home.
Happy Anniversary Babe....Heres to two Imperfect People.....And Many More Years Together!
I Love You ALL,
too blessed to be stressed..........
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