Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wow! This month has flown by! And can I just say…it has been Awesome! Ok, let me rephrase that…My God is Awesome! We have been so blessed this month with time together! And as busy as we let ourselves get sometimes, I was bound and determined that I was going to ENJOY spending TIME TOGETHER this month! My kids will only be this age once. So I am going to enjoy every minute. And the Sullivan’s did just that!  We started the month with the Annual Children’s Hospital Parade downtown. It was eventful! From our 5:30 am carpool, to going thru the barricades (thanks to our agent friend…hehe), to seeing the kids play with the clowns and their smiles and waves as the parade came by….it was full of so many great memories. Looking back at the pictures and seeing all the adults together enjoying this event along with the kids made it so special. 

Next stop was my friend Sheila’s Annual Cookie Exchange party. Just a great time to get together with ladies and exchange cookie/candy recipes and get to laugh and relax. Great Time. 
Madison got to cheer at a few basketball games this month and the Bear did an Awesome job! Love seeing Madison down there cheering on her friends! Madison has been giving out books the past 2 years at our church’s annual Hands of Compassion Outreach Service for Christmas. Last year my sister was able to get Half Price Books to donate over 100 books for this, and this year, Half Price Books stepped up again and did the same. My daughter has such a heart for giving and when she saw the church was giving out food baskets a few years back, she came to me to see if she could collect and give the kids’ books as well. Love Her Heart.

We were able to attend the First Baptist Church of Terrell’s Walk With the Wise Men with our friends The D’s. It was incredible. Loved it.  Then came our Annual “Friends” Christmas Party at Shawna’s. It was a great time, and everyone was able to cut lose and enjoy some great tunes from the Karaoke Machine! Shane’s version of Purple Rain will go down in History, as a close 2nd to him serenading me to She’s My Kind of Rain a few years back. Now, let’s throw in a few visits to the chiropractor during December also, that included me finding out I had not 1 but 6 ribs out of place. So, much of these events were spent with me with an ice pack strapped to my back or on pain meds. But hey, Life Goes On! What does not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger. Some Shopping…..Our Annual Office Christmas Lunch was held in Grapevine and we got to spend the afternoon shopping together. Always a good time. My dear friend Candice, who is my She-Ra, this girl can do it ALL, graduated from Nursing School this month and we got to Celebrate Her! Congrats Candice! 

On Saturday the 15th, I sat and watched as my kids practiced for the church Christmas program. And I cried. The day before a terrible Massacre in Newtown had taken place and I still couldn’t get those 20 kids that died out of my mind. And as I watched our kids take the platform and begin to sing “How Great Is Our God….” It took on a whole new meaning. Making a commitment to hug my kids a little tighter these days.  The Springs Christmas Program “Born for This” was perfect. I couldn’t say one thing I would change. Everyone worked together and used their talents for the Glory of God. Immanuel was Glorified in this Service. When Sis Peggy announced the theme for the Program and it came back to the Song we danced for at the Conference “Born For This”. I have to say I was pleased….in a selfish way. I first thought, Yes, we don’t have to learn a New Dance. But in preparing for the program and seeing how each person’s part revolved around Being Born for a Purpose. I found myself in the word of God. And God spoke to me in a mighty way on how He is fitting me for a purpose like no one else's. And that if I would let Him lead, He will fulfill His Purpose for me. (Psalm 138:8). In our ballroom dancing classes that my husband so graciously took for this dance. I was told several times by our instructor, that I needed to let my partner lead. That'll preach. One thing that “Born For This” has taught me is, If I concentrate on becoming who GOD created me to be--instead of who I think I ought to be, or who someone else wants me to be, I wont have time to focus on what others around me are doing.And let me throw in that my husband was so wonderful to make a guest appearance in our dance “Born For This”. And without bragging on him….If you only knew what an answer to Prayer this was. God has been SOOOO Good to Us! 

My husband’s heart was so sweet this Christmas he actually took all of us shopping one evening and I don’t think he said “No” once. He too was feeling how blessed we are and just went along for the ride….enjoying us! I am blessed with a job where I was able to attend Jack’s Christmas Party and I enjoyed it so much sitting and watching him interact with his friends.  A lil trip to the ER followed, with me Dehydrated and getting fluids, but All Was Well. And my sweet, caring Husband decided that if I was going against doctors orders and going out to finish my Christmas shopping that weekend,  that He wasnt going to let me go out without him, so he drove Candice and I around, dropped us off the front doors of the stores, parked, then came in and waited in line for us. Love, Love this man! 

Then came the Ladies Ablaze Christmas Party at Sis Peggy’s house. She always decorates her house so beautifully for Christmas and I found myself just walking around noticing all the items that had been placed so perfectly for the Christmas Season. Wonderful evening with great Woman of God. More shopping… And then we celebrated for 3 days with our families. We got to spend some great time with our families and watching the kids open way to many presents. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our stops included…Shane’s moms house, My Mom’s House, My Aunt Linda’s house, and an impromptu stop by The DeRossett’s. Loved seeing everyone and took lots of Pictures! And lets don’t forget…Santa came to our HOUSE! He was very generous! We are looking forward to another Christmas lunch this Saturday with my mom’s side of the family. I never really thought we did….but we have a Big Family! All that live pretty close and we are blessed to get to see often. 

That about wraps (hehe) up our Christmas Celebrations. I heard a woman on the TV say….”Its not One Day at a time…Its one Moment at a Time”. So, that has become by motto for 2013. To live this life One Moment at a time. God will be there and with Him directing my path, all I have to do is Follow Him. I will be praying for all our friends and family going into 2013, please do the same for us. I believe the encouragement that the Lord gave me this year was that He does all things in His timing and He is in control. In the good times and bad, we can trust HIM with our lives, our futures, our all. We are grateful to God for another year of life. He has proved Himself faithful time and time again to us this past year. As I look back over 2012 and I am amazed once again at God's goodness to provide and lead, to give grace in times of trial, and give us many joyful moments together.  I am so grateful for God's patience with me, how He never lets me go, bringing me back again and again when I start to wander. My neediness reminds me of the amazing gift that Jesus Christ is and the love that He has shown me. I wouldn’t want to go a day without Him. My prayer is that my kids will never forget how much they need Him and to always make Him the Center of their Life. Wishing you all a Wonderful 2013 with Jesus At The Center! 

From the beginning to the end.....always been you Jesus....


too blessed to be stressed.............

Michelle Sullivan 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

One Thing....Remains

Fall is in the Air! I can smell the season changing and see it to. With Fall, Comes Football! Yippee! And this morning I read of a mom telling a story about her son’s experience so far with football season. Thought I would share her story: Her son had moved up this season, and went from being the big kid on the team, to the small one. His mom had watched the past few weeks as he is piled on by the bigger kids. Whats the saying….deeper levels, bigger devils? She clinches her fists everytime he gets the ball, and holds her breath waiting for him to come out of the bottom of the piles. And after each practice, she watches him shake the coach’s hands and sit silently with his helmet on all the way home. He has always loved football and she really thought he always would. It was part of him. But lately, she felt he was struggling, and lately she didn’t see the love for it in his eyes, at least she didn’t think she did. She has never been one to let or encourage her kids to quit, but a few weeks back, she had to ask…”Son, you still enjoy playing football?” “Mom, I’m not quitting,” he responded. She explained that’s not what she meant (silently hoping) maybe he just might want to try something different. It was so hard for her to watch him get crushed every practice…she could only imagine how he felt.
She went on to tell that his team had since won their first three games. Her son plays a lot of the game, always defensive line. He had recovered fumbles, crawling straight through the offensive line, going for the prize. First game of the season - she sat there in the stands seeing a big pile of football players, knowing her son was at the bottom. . .she said she wanted to jump to her feet, wondered if he would be okay. He is after all her "baby boy." He is after all the "little guy" out there she said. The coaches start pulling the players off one by one and then, there was her son, football hugged as tight as possible to his chest. He had taken the ball from the offense and waited until the mound could be pulled off of him. The coaches got to the bottom of the pile and his coach lifted her son off the ground way into the air, He was still hugging the ball, to show the ref his team did indeed get the ball from the offense. There he was, her son, With the Ball. He is not a quitter she said with tears in her eyes. He is a gentle giant, and she was super proud of him. Not because he got the ball, but because He got the ball because He didn’t quit.
Hearing this story made me think of how God looks at our life. How he sees us being knocked down, beat up, and when we hang on and get helped back up…how proud He is of us. Today I am reminded…Life will hurt sometimes.It wont always be easy. It will require dedication. It will take prayer, lots of prayer. It will require will power. We will need to make healthy sometmes hard decisions. . . and it will take sacrifice. We will need to push our bodies and minds to the max. There will be temptation. But here is God’s promise to us, when you reach your goal, It's worth it all. Just like the little boy playing football, he gets knocked down, piled on by big kids, plays his heart out….but when he gets the ball and that touchdown….It’s worth it all!
I want to be like a football player on the defensive line. I'm not quitting. God, help me to keep plunging myself through what seems way too big for me, going for the prize. A lot of days I feel sat on, on the bottom of the pile (the laundry pile that is), the giants around me holding me back. I see in my mind these little boys getting up, shaking off the dirt and lining back up again on the line to go at it again…play after play. And this week a dear friend and mentor brought this verse to me. Matthew 18:3, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. May we all be reminded today, kids don’t have it all together, their just out there learning their way through life, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect and know the perfect things to do, at least I do. Our kids trust us and the choices we make for them. We should be like them….trusting our Heavenly Father and just doing what he tells us to do. Never giving up, just learning how to live this life, in Him.

Be encouraged today friends, the world will tell you to run from difficult situations, but think of how difficult we are, and the fact that God never runs from us. Problem after problem, issue after issue, that most we have brought on ourselves, He never quits, never runs out, never gives up on us.
And yes today, I’m singing Jesus Culture…One Thing Remains....His Love.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I stepped out on my patio ready for this run. Looked up and saw the night sky, clouded with rain clouds. To rain or not to rain? I looked down at my running shoes and took the first step. That’s the hardest, isn’t that what they say?? As I ran I listened to Praise and Worship Songs. As the songs picked up pace, I picked up the pace too. It felt great, breathing in the night air, running, just God and I.  And as I listened to the words of the songs, I had a conversation or two with God about His Word and My Life.

I told Him how I spoke the scripture “I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me” during the numerous boot camps I did. (as if He didn’t know) How when I was running and my legs started to hurt, I would speak it over and over again, and how I felt Him there with me, and how I felt him physically strengthen me. I could sense him smile remembering those moments. As the conversations changed I told Him about other times that I had felt Him with me, in times of trouble. And we talked about the scripture that says.. "A very present help in a time of trouble. . ." Trouble.  We all face it one time or another.

My legs started to itch. I always know when they start to itch its because the blood flow is running so fast thru my legs. And its then that I have to press on.  My breathing increased, I drifted from my conversation with God and thought about the itching of my legs, “don’t start itching” I keep telling myself, if I start I won’t stop itching and I won’t be able to finish this run.

Then God said “A present help”. Present. Right now, in this moment. So, I asked God Right now please help me to keep running, please take this pain away. I began to listen to the song playing on my Ipod, Our God Is Greater, Our God is Stronger…… and I strayed off thinking of How Great My God Was. I felt a smile come on my face, and without noticing it, my pace picked up. Running, Singing, thinking on God’s Greatness. Present. With me. Right here, right now, not leaving nor forsaking. The word just went round and round in my head - maybe the heat was getting to me. Maybe the verse was sinking in. Just wanting to be in be in His presence and so I ran on.

I thought of my life, thought of running, from where I came and hence I am, and where I will be tomorrow…I thought of running this race called life. I thought about how my life has been filled with good and bad times. Times of Happiness and Times of Sorrow. It wasn’t easy, but was it supposed to be? I thought about the troubles and how they pushed me. They have me running to Him over and over again. What if I never had troubles…would I need Him so deeply?

I thought of my childhood and my children’s childhood, and how I prayed I could keep the enemy from fighting them, and how I could make all their days troublefree. And then I thought…. but now do I really want that? Do I want them blinded to their need for God, never experiencing His present, promised, needed help in times of trouble? Am I prepared to watch them struggle through this life like I have? Am I preparing them for the battle that they are already facing and what lies ahead?

I felt the tears began to flow and before I knew it, I was crying. Running, crying, and all the while I felt God there, and could sense Him nodding His head in understanding. I don’t want my kids to have to go thru what I went thru and how I would do anything, sacrifice anything, to keep them from trouble.  And God said “me too”, and the tears came harder, and before I knew it I was sobbing. And it hit me…..He did just that for me….He sacrificed everything, Jesus, He sacrificed it all, so I wouldn’t have to go thru what He did.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life

Thankfulness came over me, and although I’ve always known, I began to feel such gratitude for what He did for me and feel how He felt for me, His child. And how so many times, He has been there, Present as I go thru trouble, some caused by my own actions, and He never Left me. And God said, remember this when it comes to your children. I felt foolish for ever thinking I could control trouble in their lives. And I thought back on trouble in my life, and I was brought to “a time (a season) for everything.”  Ecc 3:1, To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A purpose. A purpose for pain, for sorrow….gosh that’s hard to grasp. Especially when referring to my babies.

My running had stopped, and I found myself on the side of the sidewalk hunched over still crying. I felt the blood rushing to my head, so I raised up and looked into the night sky. A very present help, in a time of trouble. A very present help, in a time of trouble, I kept repeating. I started walking, and started talking to Him again. And in my pleas of I don’t know if I can, and what if’s…..God said, I will be there for them and you then……just as I have been there for you. I must have been holding my breath, because I felt myself exhale…..and all the worries went away. And it wasn’t that I ever doubted it, it’s just sometimes you have to get it out and hear “its ok”.  I looked at where I was, and though I normally slowed to a walk at a certain point, I had gone all the way running. And although it may seem small to some, I smiled knowing I had not scratched my legs one time.

And this is the song I thought of:

As I stood there thinking on the words to this song, “You’ve Become My Joy and Song…..” I couldn’t help but be thankful that God has not given up on me. I will have troubles in this life, and so will my children. But I can face tomorrow knowing that He is ever present. Knowing His presence is just a taste of heaven here on earth and it has me starving for eternity with him. Running….To Him.

I pray this encourages you today friends, put everything that hinders you aside, and Run to Him.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Taste and SEE

Well Friends,

I just had a thought….haha (an inside joke for my Springs Family). But seriously. There was a woman on Good Morning America the other day talking about her exercise classes she teaches to special needs children. And she said that she starts each class off by asking” if anyone has anything they would like to stand and tell the class they are Thankful for today”. She said EVERY one of the kids immediately starts waiving their hands to speak. Their comments could be anything from, their dog, the grass outside, the biscuit they had for breakfast that morning, etc. And it got me to thinking…….Of a Wednesday Night in Church and Pastor asks if anyone would like to Testify? And it takes a few minutes, but slowly a few people stand to Give God Praise. But most of us, (talking to myself here) Just sit on our hands. And we think, Ahhh Let Them Testify, Nothing New Here, No Healing in My body today, No Miracle to speak of here. How often are we giving the opportunity to “testify” about God’s Greatness… and we sit silent? Ugh, I felt conviction on that one.
And you know what God showed me…..Today….Right Now is My Miracle! I am Alive, Living This Life! No Matter what situation I am in, This, Right Now….Is My Miracle! I am Miracle! I’m not in a hospital today…..I can walk, talk, breath on my own. Have Clothes on my back, food in my belly, a job, Healthy Family, and…’s the kicker……….I am not sitting at a cemetery today, Grieving for the loss of a loved one. Today my friends….Is My Miracle. And God showed me that, Every day, Every Single Day, Is My Miracle. And I was encouraged to find something, Every Day to Be Thankful For, To Praise Him For!
These kids, some that were carried in or rolled in and have severe mental and physical inabilities, Still find something to be Thankful for every day. Why Can’t I? And look at most of us. Physically and Mentally when we are giving the opportunity we could Stand and Give God Praise and we don’t. (Not bashing anyone on the head here….talking to Myself) Why don’t we? Let’s see, maybe….I’ve had a bad day, boss yelled at me, kids driving me crazy, bills piling up, don’t have the best job, best car, best house, best....Get the Picture? I don’t have any physical reasons why I can’t, and Mentally I’m all here. (well, depends on who you ask)
And I was brought to this scripture” Psalm 34:8, O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” And for the first time God showed me one word……………….SEE. And He said that’s the difference. Do you SEE that I am Good. That I Bless You Everyday. Do you see it?????? They See It…DO YOU? Dear God…..Forgive me for not always SEEING Your Goodness. In Everything, Every day. Now most of you are thinking, Yeah Right, Who really can see Goodness every day? That sounds all good, but it’s not possible. Friends, I’m Here to tell you today….It IS! What makes us Thankful should not be Temporary Blessings! What makes us Thankful, Is Already Done!
I saw a post today that said….”I’m not smiling because everything is great, I’m smiling because My God Is Great!” And I was like YES!!!! Amen!!! Don’t spend your life looking for your next Miracle. That better Job, That spouse, That Child, That Inheritance, That Raise. Live Today, Be Thankful Right Now For TODAY! Wherever you are, look around, Find Something to be Thankful For! I think I’ll start a journal and everyday make myself right down something different I am Thankful For, and then when I’m down in the dumps someday, which we all get there. I’ll pick it up and read it as a reminder of God’s Greatness! And then…..I WILL SEE IT! And then I’ll pass it on to my kids and they can read it and SEE how Great God Is! Man, if that’s not enough to make you shout. Right Here, Right Now, This is My Miracle Today….. Thank You God! It’s all in how you look at it.
So Friends….Here’s the Encouragement: Tomorrow when you get up, and your back hurts, your hair is a mess, the kids can’t find their stuff and your running late, (oh sorry, that’s probably just my house) Look in the Mirror, and Say….Thank You God for Right Now! For This Miracle Right Now! Remember where you could be……It’s all in How You Look at it. Have A Safe and Healthy Weekend, Love You All!

too blessed to be stressed.............

Michelle Sullivan

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Survival Race

Well Friends,

It’s been some time since I’ve Blogged. And to be honest, I’ve had so much say, but every time I sat down to write I just end up crying thinking about the Goodness of God. And I’ve got so much to write about, but…… Today, its about The Race. This Race we call Life!

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith..” Hebrews 12:1-3

I read this scripture over and over again the other day and you know what stuck out to me?? Endurance. And if you know me… you know I had to look up the definition. Endurance: the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions.

Lately it seems everywhere I turn people are talking about racing, running, stress, fatique. And looking at pics this morning for the Survival Race I recently participated in with my friend, I was reminded of something I read before the race, thought I would share. ”If you trip and fall in the race, you are not disqualified. You are only out of the race if you don’t get back up and carry on.” This is what happens to us isn’t it? The enemy would love for us to think that just because we’ve falling down that we are no longer “fit” to finish the race. And that’s what he tries to convince us of friends. Its not the stress or “adverse conditions” that keep us from finishing. It’s we let these things get our eyes off of Jesus and we Give up! The enemy is not just out to make us fall, sometimes it’s our own fault we fall! Uh Oh, we don’t like to hear that. Sometimes all he has to do is convince us we are “too hurt” to get back up and finish the race. He wants us to think that we are disqualified for FALLING! That’s is a One Strike Your Out kinda life! That’s a Lie! And what we need to remember is that falling down during the race, may be our own mistake, but not getting up is the Biggest Mistake! God is reminding me and maybe someone out there today. Quite focusing on falling down and what YOU did to get there, and get back up and Run! Keep your EYES on HIM! He knows you’re not perfect! (even if you think you are) Running is not easy! This Life isn’t easy!

And on Saturday when I was stuck in the mud….(because I slowed down and didn’t run straight through it…There’s a message!) I had a choice to make right there. Was I going to give up?? Or dig out and keep going? And it wasn’t easy, and I was a mess! And the mud was sticking and drying to my hands! YUK! But I knew in order to finish the race I had to Get Out! As quick as possible~! Because the longer I stayed in the mud…it was going to dry on me and be harder to get out! Friends, can I tell you something? The minute you see the enemy trying to get a hold in your life….GET OUT! RUN! FAST! Don’t just stand there! Ever heard the saying, “give em an inch and they will take a mile?" Well, that’s the Devil for ya! So, what did I do??? I screamed for Help!! Its okay friends to scream for Help! As women…ok Superwomen, we sometimes think we can’t ask for help. That can be what Hinders us. Call out to HIM! In our weakness He is Strong.

And God has reminded me….”"You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?" Galatians 5:7 Isn’t that what happens to us when we are running this race??…somewhere along the line someone said something or did something to us, and we LET it hinder us. If your going to run a race…You’ve got to Prepare, stretch, drink plenty of water. The same way we have to spend time in Prayer and in The Word, His LIVING WATER to prepare ourselves for this Life. And when running, you’re going to start to hurt, but because you prepared, you will be able to Finish the Race. Will it be easy? No. Is it going to be Worth it? YES! And listening to so many people lately talk about the struggles of this “Life”, I see the part we play in all this. We let falling down Hinder us from following Gods plan for our life. We let the adverse conditions Hinder us from His Plan.

And what is His plan??? NO matter who you are or what you’ve done His plan is the same for You, for me…for All of Us! Jermiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you….plans to give you hope and a future” We all have that in Him. Hope and A Future. His plans are far more than you could ever imagine. And this Race, as long as we keep running with Him, we know the outcome! We Win In Christ! It may be hard, and we may get dirty, we may Fall Down, but the ONLY thing that will keep us from finishing, is if WE give up! God is reminding me today to NOT GIVE UP! Whatever it is you are going through today, whatever the enemy is telling you are not “qualified”for, whatever he is telling you is Too Hard and your too Hurt. DON’T GIVE UP! GOD IS SPEAKING TO SOMEONE… You are qualified~! You are fit enough to Finish! You just have to TRUST IN HIM! TRUST IN HIS STRENGTH AND NOT YOUR OWN! Prepare yourself for this race. Pray, Study the Word, Be in His Presence. So that when you start to see the signs of Detour ahead, you will be prepared. Stay straight and don’t Slow Down!

I am proud to be running this Race with each of you!

I Love ya friends….

Too blessed to be stressed……….


Monday, February 27, 2012

Recently while watching TV I saw an ad for a "Motivational" speaker that was coming to Dallas. When I saw it, I stopped and thought for a moment. Why do people pay money to go listen to somebody they don’t even know motivate them??? Let me first say, I’m all about Encouraging People, Motivating them….but from where??? The Word of God. Nothing that someone else can say, or I say means squat if it doesn’t come from The Word of God. He is the Best, the Only Motivational Speaker we need. As a matter of fact….He was the First Motivational Speaker! Why are people searching and willing to pay large amounts of money for someone to Motivate them? When all they have to do is pull out their Bible and Be Encouraged in the Word! I think there is only one self help book that people need. The Bible! Imagine if all the people that tried all the self help books and seminars out there, turned their attention to the Word of God and actually sought their answers from there! I don’t ask many people their opinion on things. Maybe that’s good, maybe that bad. But the way I look at it, the only opinion that really matters to me is One. The Bible is the best instructional book on how to have a Great Life. And it doesn’t promise a million dollars in the bank, or fancy houses, as a matter of fact, it says trials will come. But it gives you the tools to use when they do. And if you don’t believe me….here is a step program on how to be successful in life from God……(just a few)If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to your mountain, "MOVE!" and it WILL move... and NOTHING will be impossible for YOU!
- Matthew 17:20

In the Lord, put your trust. - Psalms 11:1

The Lord will guide you always, he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land. You will be like a spring whose waters never fail. - Isaiah 58:11

If you can believe, All things are possible to him who believeth. - Mark 9:23

Thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee and a light shall shine upon thy ways. - Job 22:28

Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say on the Lord. - Psalms 27:14

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. - Proverbs 3:5,6

Behold I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest. - Genesis 28:15

And I am sure that He who began a good work in you will complete it. - Philippians 1:6

With God all things are possible. - Matthew 19:26

Fear thou not . . . I will strengthen thee. . . I will help thee. - Isaiah 41:10

Your Father knoweth what things you have need of before you ask Him. - Matthew 6:8

Come unto me, ye who are weary and overburdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. - Mark 13:31

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. - Proverbs 30:5

And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. - 1 John 5:14-15

For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. - Philippians 4:13

Seek Him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name. - Amos 5:7

Wow! There is your motivation for the day! And God is showing us that He is For us! So, whatever it is you are going through today, whatever you are seeking. Don’t look to other people for the answers. (This is where we all struggle) Don’t look to the left or the right. Look to Him, The answers you are seeking are in His Word. Be encouraged today….Not By Me….But by Him, the author and finisher of You. Have A Great Day!
Love You All……
Too blessed to be stressed……..

Friday, January 27, 2012

Praying for our Husbands

Alright Ladies...This Blog is for the Married Women out there...Or soon to be married (Stacy!),

A few years back, someone shared with me the information below from the "Revive Our Hearts" Website regarding praying for your husband. I read it and it really touched my heart. I pray for my husband daily (continually...hehe) and I know you pray for yours as well,  and these specific prayers really hit home with me in regards to what I and God want for my husband. I did the 31 day prayers and I know God heard my prayers and I saw my prayers working in my husband. This morning in prayer....God lead me back to this website, and said Do It again...and this time...YOU share it with your friends and Do It Together! The enemy is out to destroy marriages...and We as the Women of God in our homes, this Is Our Protection from the Devil. Guard your husband up with prayers! And this is a great way to start. I encourage you to join me on Feb 1st and start praying these specific prayers over your husbands. I know God will honor our commitment and Lets bombard Heaven with prayers for Our Husbands! I stand in agreement for your prayers for your husbands and I am believing God for HIS hedge of protection around our marriages! Love you all~!

31 Days of Praying for Your Husband

by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

“She does him good . . .” (Proverbs 31:12a)
Bless your husband by praying for him! The Apostle Paul instructed all Christians to pray for one another (Ephesians 6:18). This includes wives’ responsibility and privilege to pray for their husbands. Earnest prayer for your husband is good for him, for you and the spiritual health of your home (Proverbs 31:11-12).
Satan desires to destroy your husband, especially his character and his leadership in your relationship. Trust God through prayer as you daily surrender your husband and marriage to the Lord’s wise, loving care.

Day 1 Pray that your husband will grow spiritually and consider his accountability before the Lord. Pray that he will guard his heart by developing spiritual disciplines—Bible reading and study, prayer, meditation, scripture memorization, etc. (2 Peter 3:18; Prov. 4:23)
Day 2 Pray that your husband’s relationship with God and His Word will bear fruit in his life. Pray that he will be a man of wisdom and understanding, fearing the Lord. (Prov. 3:7, 9:10; Ps. 112:1)
Day 3 Pray that your husband will be humble and quick to agree with God about his sin. Pray that his heart will be tender toward the voice of the Lord. (Ps. 51:2-4; Micah 6:8)
Day 4Pray that your husband will grow in leadership skills in your relationship—protecting and providing for you. Pray that he will lead you wisely and love you sacrificially, so that God will be glorified in your marriage. (Eph. 5:25-29; Col. 3:19)
Day 5Pray that your husband will be faithful to his wedding vows. Pray that he will have a desire to cultivate your relationship as a sign of his loyalty and commitment to you, and as a picture of Christ’s love for the Church. (Prov. 20:6; Gen. 2:24)
Day 6Pray that your husband will love righteousness and hate wickedness, especially the evils of the culture. Pray that he will recognize and avoid wickedness in his own life, and if necessary, take a clear, strong stand against evil. (Prov. 27:12; John 17:15; 1 Cor. 10:12-13)
Day 7Pray that your husband will safeguard his heart against inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex. Pray that his heart will be pure and undivided in his commitment to you. (Prov. 6:23-24, 26; Rom. 13:14)
Day 8Pray that your husband will work hard to provide for your family, to the best of his ability. Pray that the character qualities necessary for a successful career and ministry will be a growing part of his character—persistence, decisiveness, strength, an analytical mind, organizational skills, positive relationships with people, determination, etc. (Rom. 12:11; 1 Cor. 15:58)
Day 9Pray that your husband handle finances wisely, will have discernment concerning budgeting and investments, and will be a good steward of his money in regard to giving to the Lord’s work. Pray that money will not become a source of discord in your family. (Prov. 23:4-5; Rom. 12:13; Heb. 13:5)
Day 10Pray that your husband will cultivate strong integrity, and not compromise his convictions. Pray that his testimony will be genuine, that he will be honest in his business dealings, and will never do anything that he needs to hide from others. (Prov. 20:7; 1 Tim. 1:5, 3:7; Eph. 6:10-12)
Day 11Pray that your husband will have a humble, teachable spirit and a servant’s heart before the Lord. Pray that he will listen to God and desire to do His will. (Prov. 15:33; Eph. 6:6)
Day 12Pray that your husband will yield his sexual drive to the Lord and practice self control. Pray that your sexual intimacy together will be fresh, positive, and a reflection of selfless love. (Prov. 5:15, 18; 1 Cor. 7:3; Song of Solomon 7:10)
Day 13Pray that your husband use practical skills to build your family and make wise decisions for your welfare. Pray that he will serve unselfishly. (Gal. 5:13; Phil. 2:3-4)
Day 14Pray that your husband will speak words that build you and your family, and reflect a heart of love. Pray that he will not use filthy language. (Prov. 18:21; Eph. 4:29)
Day 15Pray that your husband will choose his friends wisely. Pray that God will bring him men who will encourage his accountability before God, and will not lead him into sin. (Prov. 13:20; Prov. 27:17)
Day 16Pray that your husband will choose healthy, God-honoring activities. Pray that he will not live in bondage to any questionable habits or hobbies, but that he will experience freedom in holiness as he yields to the Spirit’s control. (1 Cor. 6:12, 10:31; 2 Tim. 2:4)
Day 17Pray that your husband will enjoy his manliness as he patterns his life after Christ and strong men in the faith. Pray for his physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual strength. (Eph. 3:16; 1 Peter 2:21; 1 Cor. 10:11)
Day 18Pray that your husband will have an eternal perspective—living in light of eternity. Pray that he will reject materialism and temporal values and put God first in his life. (Matt. 6:33; Deut. 6:5; Eph. 5:16; Ps. 90:12)
Day 19Pray that your husband will be patient and a man of peace. Pray that he will not give in to anger, but will allow the Holy Spirit to control his responses. (Rom. 14:19; Ps. 34:14)
Day 20Pray that your husband will yield his mind and thoughts to the Lord. Pray that he will not entertain immoral or impure thoughts, and that he will resist the temptation to indulge in pornography. (Prov. 27:12; 2 Cor. 10:5)
Day 21Pray that your husband will learn how to relax in the Lord and, in his greatest times of stress, find joy and peace in his relationship with God. Pray that he will submit his schedule to the Lord. (Neh. 8:10; Prov. 17:22; Ps. 16:11)
Day 22Pray that your husband will practice forgiveness in your relationship and with others. Pray that he will recognize any roots of bitterness, and yield any resentment and unforgiving attitudes to the Lord. (Eph. 4:32; Heb. 12:15)
Day 23Pray that your husband will be a good father—disciplining his children wisely and loving them unconditionally. If he is not a father, pray that he will find a young man to mentor in the things of the Lord. (Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21; 2 Tim. 2:1-2)
Day 24Pray that your husband will have a balanced life—that he will balance work and play. Pray that he will fear God, but also gain favor with people he knows at work and church. (Luke 2:52; Prov. 13:15)
Day 25Pray that your husband will be courageous in his stand against evil and injustice, and that he will stand for the truth. Pray that he will protect you and your family from Satan’s attacks. (Ps. 31:24; Eph. 6:13; Ps. 27:14)
Day 26Pray that your husband will discover and live his God-given purpose. Pray that he will offer all his dreams to the Lord, and pursue only those goals that will bring God glory and count for eternity. (Jer. 29:11; 1 Cor. 10:31)
Day 27Pray that your husband will understand the importance of taking care of his body—the temple of the Holy Spirit—for the glory of God. Pray that he will practice self-control by making wise food choices, and get sufficient exercise to stay healthy. (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 6:19-20, 9:27)
Day 28Pray that your husband will be a man of prayer. Pray that he will seek and pursue God in purposeful quiet times. (1 Thess. 5:17; Luke 22:46; James 5:16)
Day 29Pray that your husband will surrender his time and talents to the Lord. Pray that his spiritual gifts will be manifest in his career, at church, and in your home. (Eph. 5:15-16; 1 Cor. 12:4, 7)
Day 30Pray that your husband will serve God and others with pure motives. Pray that he will obey the Lord from his heart, and glorify Him in everything. (1 Cor. 10:13; John 7:17-18; Col. 3:23-24)
Day 31Pray that your husband will recognize the lies of the Enemy in his life. Pray that his attitudes and actions will be guided by the truth as he brings his thoughts into captivity to the Word of God. (John 8:44; 2 Cor. 10:4-5)
too blessed to be stressed..........

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Thing in 2012!

Happy 2012!

Well my friends, its here! And like a mighty rushing wind, we are already in full swing of things this year. Consecration has begun at our church, and my family is standing on the Word of God Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing". New things all around The Sullivan House. Mind, Body, and Spirit for Jesus in 2012! That’s our goal! And as a FAMILY we are doing this! And in reading in Isaiah, and in reading a Commentary on this passage it mentioned: It shall spring up as the grass does from the earth. And this got me to thinking…a seed is planted…watered….and then it has to breakthrough the earth to begin to flourish. And it isnt until the seed breaksthroughs the earth that it can be seen with the human eye. Friends…..there is breaking in any New Thing. And the breaking isnt easy, its hard…and it takes strength and power. (Lord help us!) But once it breaks thru….ahhhhh. It can be seen! And humor me for a minute….I began to see that even a bud of grass has a testimony. It has been planted….watered….and broke through the ground. It has to go through the breakthrough process to grow! And even when it breaksthrough the ground, it still has to grow to be Fully Matured! And if its not continued to be watered and nourished it will not grow to full maturity. The breakthrough isnt pretty. I like things all packaged up with a pretty bow. A Pink One! But Life isnt always that way, packaged and pretty. But there is One who will take you thru the breakthrough. One that is perfect! Because in the breakthrough process He can have His way. And there are times when the breaking is almost unbearable. And we may think we cant do it or its not even possible to breakthrough the hard ground above us. But with Him! He is God of the BreakThrough! And its in these times of unbearable "growing", that we offer up a sacrifice of Praise.

Sometimes the Breaking Through process doesn’t happen on a Sunday morning in the alters, sometimes it doesn’t happen when we want it to, Sometimes it happens in the midnight hour when we are alone with Him and our circumstances have brought us to our knees. Oh, do I know this feeling. When you’ve gone to the alter time after time and told God you wanted to give this to Him, and you’ve turned around and walked back to your pew and reached out and said…"But this little piece God…I just want to hold onto this for a little while longer." Ive been there. Sometimes it happens in spite of the fact you’ve asked God to wait or your just not ready yet….Not ready to give that up, or put that down, or Walk away, or Begin A Fresh. He knows when your ready and He will bring you through, even if it hurts. Even if the ground is hard. Even if you are too weak..He will be your strength and Power. Trust Him that He knows when your ready.

And this is something Ive learned, and I hope this helps someone today. Sometimes, we can share openly with others our cirmcumstances, and allow others to be His hands and Feet. And other times, we cant share the grief, sorrow, or pain and hold that things have on us and it may seem like we are walking completely alone. Let me encourage you, whatever you are going through today, public or private, He is With You. You are not alone. Call His Name… He will Answer. Trust Him! He will meet you right where you are. And He will bring you Through the BreakThrough!

New Things…that’s what we are focusing on this year, and I pray that God does a New Thing in each of you. I pray that every good and perfect gift be released to you and your family, pressed down, shaken together and running over in the year to come. Remember when things seem unbearable….that the BreakThrough must be right around the corner, get on your knees, and Pray! With every New Thing comes growing and maturing and its not going to be easy…..but Oh Friends….Its Gonna Be Worth It!

Love You All!
Too blessed to be stressed………