It’s been some time since I’ve Blogged. And to be honest, I’ve had so much say, but every time I sat down to write I just end up crying thinking about the Goodness of God. And I’ve got so much to write about, but…… Today, its about The Race. This Race we call Life!
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith..” Hebrews 12:1-3
I read this scripture over and over again the other day and you know what stuck out to me?? Endurance. And if you know me… you know I had to look up the definition. Endurance: the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions.
Lately it seems everywhere I turn people are talking about racing, running, stress, fatique. And looking at pics this morning for the Survival Race I recently participated in with my friend, I was reminded of something I read before the race, thought I would share. ”If you trip and fall in the race, you are not disqualified. You are only out of the race if you don’t get back up and carry on.” This is what happens to us isn’t it? The enemy would love for us to think that just because we’ve falling down that we are no longer “fit” to finish the race. And that’s what he tries to convince us of friends. Its not the stress or “adverse conditions” that keep us from finishing. It’s we let these things get our eyes off of Jesus and we Give up! The enemy is not just out to make us fall, sometimes it’s our own fault we fall! Uh Oh, we don’t like to hear that. Sometimes all he has to do is convince us we are “too hurt” to get back up and finish the race. He wants us to think that we are disqualified for FALLING! That’s is a One Strike Your Out kinda life! That’s a Lie! And what we need to remember is that falling down during the race, may be our own mistake, but not getting up is the Biggest Mistake! God is reminding me and maybe someone out there today. Quite focusing on falling down and what YOU did to get there, and get back up and Run! Keep your EYES on HIM! He knows you’re not perfect! (even if you think you are) Running is not easy! This Life isn’t easy!
And on Saturday when I was stuck in the mud….(because I slowed down and didn’t run straight through it…There’s a message!) I had a choice to make right there. Was I going to give up?? Or dig out and keep going? And it wasn’t easy, and I was a mess! And the mud was sticking and drying to my hands! YUK! But I knew in order to finish the race I had to Get Out! As quick as possible~! Because the longer I stayed in the mud…it was going to dry on me and be harder to get out! Friends, can I tell you something? The minute you see the enemy trying to get a hold in your life….GET OUT! RUN! FAST! Don’t just stand there! Ever heard the saying, “give em an inch and they will take a mile?" Well, that’s the Devil for ya! So, what did I do??? I screamed for Help!! Its okay friends to scream for Help! As women…ok Superwomen, we sometimes think we can’t ask for help. That can be what Hinders us. Call out to HIM! In our weakness He is Strong.
And God has reminded me….”"You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?" Galatians 5:7 Isn’t that what happens to us when we are running this race??…somewhere along the line someone said something or did something to us, and we LET it hinder us. If your going to run a race…You’ve got to Prepare, stretch, drink plenty of water. The same way we have to spend time in Prayer and in The Word, His LIVING WATER to prepare ourselves for this Life. And when running, you’re going to start to hurt, but because you prepared, you will be able to Finish the Race. Will it be easy? No. Is it going to be Worth it? YES! And listening to so many people lately talk about the struggles of this “Life”, I see the part we play in all this. We let falling down Hinder us from following Gods plan for our life. We let the adverse conditions Hinder us from His Plan.
And what is His plan??? NO matter who you are or what you’ve done His plan is the same for You, for me…for All of Us! Jermiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you….plans to give you hope and a future” We all have that in Him. Hope and A Future. His plans are far more than you could ever imagine. And this Race, as long as we keep running with Him, we know the outcome! We Win In Christ! It may be hard, and we may get dirty, we may Fall Down, but the ONLY thing that will keep us from finishing, is if WE give up! God is reminding me today to NOT GIVE UP! Whatever it is you are going through today, whatever the enemy is telling you are not “qualified”for, whatever he is telling you is Too Hard and your too Hurt. DON’T GIVE UP! GOD IS SPEAKING TO SOMEONE… You are qualified~! You are fit enough to Finish! You just have to TRUST IN HIM! TRUST IN HIS STRENGTH AND NOT YOUR OWN! Prepare yourself for this race. Pray, Study the Word, Be in His Presence. So that when you start to see the signs of Detour ahead, you will be prepared. Stay straight and don’t Slow Down!
I am proud to be running this Race with each of you!
I Love ya friends….
Too blessed to be stressed……….
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